The Elizabethtown City Council met for their second meeting of the month Monday.
The first reading was held on an ordinance approving a general obligations bond for the Buffalo Lake outdoor music venue. The bond is not to exceed $47 million to be paid over a term not to exceed 30 years. Elizabethtown Mayor Jeff Gregory asked City Attorney Ken Howard to clarify that no additional taxes are being created to pay for the bond.
“It is not anticipated that any additional taxes will have to be imposed,” Howard said. “We’ve done the analysis, your financial advisors are here today as well and believe that the current sources of revenue available to the city and to tourism will be sufficient to pay the bonds.”
An ordinance establishing new sewer rates for the city also had its first reading. In addition to establishing new connection, industrial, and commercial fees, the ordinance sets gradual increases in the minimum residential bill, with a rate for the first 2,000 gallons beginning at $14.46 in 2025 and increasing to $19.52 by 2028. Gregory said the city is very careful when considering any increases to fees or taxes, and the fees and rates are still among the lowest in the state.
“We are very cognizant of the fact that with inflation and the economy the way it is right now that people don’t have a ton of extra money and we still want to keep our fees as low as we possibly can, but like I said we have not changed since 2012 on the rate change, and the connection fee since 1999,” Gregory said.
The Elizabethtown City Council will next meet March 24.
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