WHAT THE HOWL – Thursday, 9/12/2024
Q: One cow can produce up to 20 of THESE... What are they? Footballs. BONUS FACT: The NFL uses around 3000 cow hides per year. That's around 60,000 footballs!
Q: One cow can produce up to 20 of THESE... What are they? Footballs. BONUS FACT: The NFL uses around 3000 cow hides per year. That's around 60,000 footballs!
The Hardin County Fiscal Court met for their first meeting of the month Tuesday. A public hearing was held for a request to close a portion of a roadway. “A request has been made by property owner Stephen Bush to close a platted undeveloped 60-foot right of way for a future street at the end of Christine Way in Concord Heights between Lots 11 and 12,” said Hardin County Attorney Jenny Oldham […]
Hardin County Judge/Executive Keith Taul issued a proclamation at Feeding America, Kentucky’s Heartland’s Volunteer Center Tuesday recognizing the month of September as Hunger Action Month, encouraging residents to support the organization’s efforts to combat food insecurity through volunteer shifts, social media shares, and donations. FAKH says data shows more than 176,000 people in the organization’s 42-county service area are struggling with food insecurity, and FAKH Executive Director Charles Dennis says the organization […]
Elizabethtown Community and Technical College celebrated the ribbon cutting for the Robbins University Center during their Pancakes with the Provost event Tuesday. According to ECTC, the Robbins Center will allow “four-year colleges and universities to offer high-demand bachelor’s and master’s degrees locally.” Students will complete the first two years of a bachelor’s degree at ECTC and then transfer to a four-year partner that offers classes and support services at the Robbins […]
The Kentucky Transportation Cabinet is updating drivers on two projects in Hardin County. KYTC District Four says a chip sealing project is beginning on Kentucky Route 1646/North Logsdon Parkway, with the speed limit reduced to 25 miles per hour from the railroad crossing to Patriot Parkway as crews prepare for resurfacing. Drivers will be passing over loose gravel and will see several lane closures this week, then a final pavement surface […]
The Radcliff City Council met for a work session Monday evening. The council discussed the city’s ad valorem taxes for the 2024-2025 fiscal year. Radcliff CFO Chance Fox said the city saw a jump in new property on the tax rolls, along with a significant increase in property values. “Radcliff has $1.418 billion of assessed real property value,” Fox said. “Last year in 2023, it was $1.16 billion, so that’s an increase […]
The Elizabethtown City Council met for a special meeting Monday evening. The council approved, on their second readings, the ordinances that set city taxes for the 2024-2024 fiscal year. The franchise tax rate for all eligible bank deposits is set at .025 percent, the tax rate for real and personal property is set at 11 cents per $100 assessed value, and the tax rate for all motor vehicles and watercraft is set […]
Quicksie and The Wolf, in partnership with the Swope Family of Dealerships and Central Kentucky Race Management, invite the community to participate in the inaugural Step Out Against Domestic Violence Walk/Run 5k. “Our stations are always looking for opportunities to try to get involved and help the community where we can,and we knew that October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month, and really we were just brainstorming on a way we […]
Voter registration in Kentucky continues to see big increases ahead of this November’s presidential election. The Kentucky Secretary of State’s Office says Kentucky added 15,239 new voter registrations and removed 3,793 voters from the rolls in the month of August. Of the registrations removed from the rolls, 2,792 were for deceased voters, 349 were for convicted felons, and 480 were for voters that moved to another state. The secretary of state’s office […]