WHAT THE HOWL – Monday, 3/4/24
Americans say they can handle THIS patiently for up to 26 minutes? Virtual Meetings/Zoom Calls
Americans say they can handle THIS patiently for up to 26 minutes? Virtual Meetings/Zoom Calls
Q: Currently, only two former US presidents have THIS distinction… A: A star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame
Q: 75% of people will avoid events because of THIS... A: Parking
Q: The first of THESE in North America was built in Greenland in the 1300’s… A: A Church
Q: These cost 4 cents in 1962 but have increased 1600% in price... A: Stamps
Q: Only 25% of people who use THIS make 98% of what you see... A: TikTok
Q: 7% of Americans say they hate THESE... A: Margaritas
Q: People do THIS 20% more in January than in August… A: Die
Q: On average, THIS has 14 times more bacteria than a toilet seat… A: The seat in a movie theater