As part of the state of emergency declared by Governor Andy Beshear, the state’s price gouging laws have been activated.
Governor Beshear said when he declared the state of emergency Saturday that the state’s price gouging laws would be activated in order to protect Kentuckians from overpriced goods and services as they clean up and recover from the winter storm.
Any Kentuckian who suspects price gouging is encouraged to report it to the Kentucky Attorney General’s Office’s price gouging hotline, available on the AG’s website or by calling 1-888-432-9257. Price gouging under Kentucky law is “a grossly excessive charge – more than 10 percent above the price prior to the emergency declaration – that is not related to higher costs to the seller.” Goods and services included in the state price gouging law include food, gasoline, shelter, transportation, emergency cleanup, and repair or reconstruction services.
The attorney general’s office says a report to the price gouging hotline is reviewed by a team of attorneys, investigators, and staff with the Attorney General’s Office of Consumer Protection to determine if price gouging has occurred.
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