
1109 Results / Page 2 of 111



Drivers should watch for spraying crews as KYTC treats roadways for weeds and invasive plants

As Kentuckians wait for warmer weather, Kentucky Transportation Cabinet highway crews are getting ready to prepare the roadways. Motorists should be on the lookout for KYTC crews using spray trucks and other equipment to control noxious weeds growing along state-maintained roadways. The KYTC says controlling weeds is a key part of maintaining safe roads as invasive plants such as spotted knapweed and Canada thistle can destroy roadside turf, leaving areas vulnerable to […]

todayMarch 5, 2025 8


E-Town Council recognizes firefighters, awards Downtown Master Plan contract

The Elizabethtown City Council met for their first meeting of the month Monday. Elizabethtown Fire Chief Mark Malone recognized the fire department’s Firefighter of the Year Dan Lockwood and Officer of the Year Mike Satterfield. Elizabethtown Mayor Jeff Gregory congratulated the two and recognized all of the city’s firefighters for all of their work that goes beyond responding to structure fires. “What they’re doing is they’re responding to medical emergencies a good […]

todayMarch 4, 2025 102


Statewide tornado drill among Kentucky Severe Weather Awareness Week activities

UPDATE: Due to the weather forecast for Wednesday, the statewide tornado drill will now be conducted Friday, March 7 at 10:07 a.m. EST/9:07 a.m. CST. The National Weather Service wants to help Kentuckians be severe weather ready during Kentucky Severe Weather Preparedness Week, which runs now through March 7. The NWS says severe weather can occur at any time of the year and can bring many different kinds of hazards […]

todayMarch 4, 2025 67


Kentucky Career Center invites job seekers to virtual and in-person job fairs

Kentucky Career Center has several upcoming opportunities for job seekers, including their Let’s Talk Tuesdays virtual job fair from 1 to 3:30 p.m. Tuesday afternoon. “Job seekers have to sign in, so you want to go to and go ahead and register,” said Kentucky Career Center Center Manager Robin Gooden. “Be prepared to upload your resume as a PDF on that platform, and then you can be ready to talk with employers. […]

todayMarch 4, 2025 37


Leadership Hardin County class accepting donations to support foster kids

Each year, the Leadership Hardin County class at the Hardin County Chamber of Commerce selects a community project based on a need in the community. Leadership Hardin County class member Chrissie Angel says this year’s class is putting together “Fostering Love Comfort Bags” to benefit local foster care children. “Our goal is to ensure that these children can transition with dignity, knowing that their community cares for them, and our goal is […]

todayMarch 4, 2025 71


Hardin County Sheriff’s Office searching for suspect in stabbing case

UPDATE: The Hardin County Sheriff's Office says Lucas was apprehended Monday. The Hardin County Sheriff’s Office is searching for a suspect in an alleged stabbing Saturday. Hardin County Sheriff John Ward says Hardin County 911 received a call just before 6 p.m. on March 1 of a reported stabbing at a residence on the 18,000 block of Sonora Hardin Springs Road. “An individual had been stabbed twice,” Ward said. “Deputies responded to […]

todayMarch 3, 2025 839


LaRue County farmer asks for support for specialty crop growers during senate testimony

An area farmer was on Capitol Hill last week to offer his perspective on challenges and opportunities in agriculture. Hinton’s Orchard and Farm Market co-owner and co-founder Jeremy Hinton testified before the U.S. Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry Wednesday as part of their hearing “Perspectives From the Field: Farmer and Rancher Views on the Agricultural Economy.” Hinton, an eighth-generation farmer and president of the LaRue County Farm Bureau Federation, […]

todayMarch 3, 2025 157


KFW licenses for 2025-2026 season now available

March 1 marked the beginning of the new license year for Kentucky Fish and Wildlife fishing and hunting licenses and permits. KFW says the commonwealth has some of the finest outdoor opportunities available anywhere, and hunters and fishers looking to enjoy the commonwealth’s fields, woods, and waterways can now apply for their 2025-2026 licenses, which are good now through February 28, 2026. KFW says the resident fishing license fee of $23 and […]

todayMarch 3, 2025 50

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