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Elizabethtown City Council approves budget

The Elizabethtown City Council met for their second meeting of the month Monday.

The council approved a zoning map amendment for 712 College Street Road that changes the property from R-3 to R-6/C-2, allowing for commercial and multi-family residential development. The council also approved the 2024-2025 city budget. The budget includes about $149.9 million in total funds available and about $119.7 million in total expenditures. Elizabethtown Mayor Jeff Gregory thanked department heads and city staff for their work on a budget that he said is responsible but ambitious.

“We are at a different time in our city’s history, and we have a lot of things that we need to make sure that we stay ahead of, and this budget allows us to reinvest in our community to be able to accomplish those goals and to keep this what I consider the best city in the Commonwealth of Kentucky,” Gregory said.

First readings were held on ordinances that amend the city’s sewer use ordinance and approve the operation of medical cannabis facilities in the city. Both will go up for approval on their second readings at the next council meeting.

The council approved several municipal orders including bids related to paving that were awarded to Scotty’s Contracting and Stone, a $110,000 proposal from MCCI LLC for the implementation of online permitting software for the city, and a $91,300 contract for roofing contractor Bluegrass Brothers to replace the canopy on Elizabethtown City Hall which is often damaged by trucks turning onto U.S. 62.

“We’re going to a different method,” Gregory said. “They’re going to take the canopy down, put the band board around it, and it’s going to be basically flush with the brick which will alleviate that issue in the future, so that’s what that project is. That’s what we’re headed towards now.”

Following a closed session, the council approved the appointment of Bobby Tabb to complete the term of late Council Member Bill Wiseman. A release from the city says Tabb, who previously served a term on the council from 2016 to 2017, will be sworn in by Mayor Gregory Tuesday and assume responsibilities on the council immediately.

The Elizabethtown City Council will next meet July 8.

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