Matthew Riddle Kenny Chesney - She Thinks My Tractor's Sexy Big fan of Kenny Chesney! Michael Baker Luke Combs - Beautiful Crazy I would like to dedicate our favorite song to Crystal. I love you! Bonnie Reba McEntire - Fancy Thanks for mentioning Reba glad you are a fan I am as well n love the new show


BCS looking for feedback on next Irvington Elementary School principal

todayApril 12, 2024 2

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Breckinridge County Schools is inviting the Irvington Elementary School community to provide feedback as the district looks to hire a new principal at the elementary school.

“We invite everyone that’s connected in some form or fashion to our district to participate in it,” said Breckinridge County Schools Superintendent Dr. Nick Carter. “You know, in the Irvington Community, Irvington Elementary School is a strong part of our community in Irvington, and we truly appreciate the input and feedback from everyone.”

That’s Breckinridge County Schools Superintendent Dr. Nick Carter.

Carter says the district has regularly used surveys to get feedback on the hiring process in order to best serve students, parents, faculty, and staff.

“This survey really is built around helping getting folks input on what’s going well, what they are feeling like is going well at the school, what are the areas that we need to focus on moving forward to take the school to the next level, and any other comments that they may have that will assist in selecting the next principal to school,” Carter said.

Carter says the district is looking for somebody with the same qualities the district looks for in all of its leadership positions

“Hard-working, 100 percent dedicated and committed to the success of all students and staff in the building, a strong focus on the academic needs of our children but also the social emotional needs of our children,” Carter said.

The survey is open until April 16 and is posted on the Breckinridge County Schools Facebook page and website. Responses can be made anonymously.

Written by: WULF News

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Kentucky Farm Bureau launches initiative to keep Kentucky farms in active production

Kentucky Farm Bureau is launching a new initiative aimed at helping maintain ag production on Kentucky farms. The U.S. Department of Agriculture reported in their 2022 Census of Agriculture that Kentucky has lost 17,000 farms and 1.4 million acres of farmland over the last 20 years. In order to help farm families keep their farms in active production, Kentucky Farm Bureau has launched the Kentucky Farmland Transition Initiative. KFB says the main goal […]

todayApril 12, 2024 6

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