Quicksie and The Wolf teaming up for 5K in support of SpringHaven Inc.

todaySeptember 11, 2024 5

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Quicksie and The Wolf, in partnership with the Swope Family of Dealerships and Central Kentucky Race Management, invite the community to participate in the inaugural Step Out Against Domestic Violence Walk/Run 5k.

“Our stations are always looking for opportunities to try to get involved and help the community where we can,and we knew that October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month, and really we were just brainstorming on a way we could do something to help and the idea of having this 5K run/walk just came about and was born that way,” WQXE/WULF Co-General Manager Todd Bush said.

The 5K will be held Saturday, October 6 from 2 to 4 p.m. at Freeman Lake Park. Get registered by September 20 for a special bonus.

“There are free t-shirts available to those that register early, so that’s a plus, but even if you can’t register early, even if you show up at the site and register, that’s fine as well,” Bush said. “Any and all participants are welcome no matter when you sign up or even if you just show up that day.”

All proceeds from the 5K will benefit SpringHaven Inc.

“They offer solutions,” Bush said. “They offer hope for survivors of domestic violence, essential services, support to individuals and their families really across this region, and by participating in this event people in the community can make a direct impact in helping survivors rebuild their lives in a safe and supportive environment.”

Visit wqxe.com or wolf943.com to find the link to runsignup.com to register. A donation link can also be found on RunSignUp if you are unable to participate in the run/walk.

Written by: WULF News

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todaySeptember 11, 2024 5

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