Matthew Riddle Kenny Chesney - She Thinks My Tractor's Sexy Big fan of Kenny Chesney! Michael Baker Luke Combs - Beautiful Crazy I would like to dedicate our favorite song to Crystal. I love you! Bonnie Reba McEntire - Fancy Thanks for mentioning Reba glad you are a fan I am as well n love the new show


BBQ and Bikes rolls into Hodgenville Saturday

todayMay 31, 2024

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American Legion Post 87 will host its fourth annual BBQ and Bikes event this Saturday, June 1 at the creek front in Hodgenville.

Russell Tucker with the Legion post says the festivities Saturday kick off with a charity bike ride hosted by KMA District 12.

“Registration starts at 8 a.m. with kickstands up at 10,” Tucker said. “They’ll get about an hour and 20 minute ride and then we’ll roll back into Hodgenville, there on the creek front. It is $20 per bike to register for that.”

The event will feature a burn out pit, a bike show hosted by Wolf Customs, vendors, food and drinks, activities for kids, and live music.

“We have four bands coming in,” Tucker said. “We have Austin Scott, we have Joe Morgan with Dirt N Water, we have Sticktight (he’s been traveling all over the world here lately, he’s touring), and we have Rock Station to wind up the night.”

Tucker says the event has something for everybody and has grown each year, a trend he wants to see continue.

“Last year I think we had somewhere around 200 bikes, and I’m hoping we can double that this year,” Tucker said.

All proceeds from the event benefit LaRue county veterans. Find more information on the Bikes and BBQ Hodgenville 2024 Facebook event page.

Written by: WULF News

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Kentucky offering food money benefit for kids in need

Several school districts will be offering summer meal programs, but additional resources are available on the statewide level. Kentucky has been approved to provide about 450,000 eligible school-age children with a one-time, federally-funded benefit for food purchases. Governor Andy Beashear’s office says the Summer Electronic Benefit Transfer Program “will automatically enroll students ages 6 to 18 who currently receive benefits through programs offered by the Cabinet for Health and Family […]

todayMay 31, 2024

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