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Brandenburg attempting to scare off vultures

todayApril 6, 2024 2

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The City of Brandenburg is dealing with some unwanted guests.

Brandenburg City Hall is advising residents of their efforts to chase off a flock of vultures that have taken up residence in the city recently, with the city concerned with the potential damage the birds can cause to homes, vehicles, and city facilities.

According to a post on the Brandenburg City Hall Facebook page, the vultures were originally roosting in City Park, but have since moved to Lafayette Street.

In order to scare the vultures off, the city has set up a bird cannon at the city’s water treatment plant. The cannon omits loud noises approximately every 15 minutes meant to sound like shots. The city apologizes for the noise disturbance.

Kentucky Fish and Wildlife says the state has long dealt with turkey vultures, while black vultures have become more widespread within the last 50 years. Both species are federally protected and cannot be killed without a federal permit. Landowners concerned with potential vulture roosts can contact USDA Wildlife Services for more information on the permit process.

Written by: WULF News

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Support ECTC grads at graduation with Gowns for Grads initiative

Graduation for Elizabethtown Community and Technical College’s spring semester is coming up on Monday, May 6, and to support the upcoming grads the college has created the Gowns for Grads initiative. “To support the grads, you can go to our website, and we have a Day of Giving link where they can pick just the Gowns for Grads,” said ECTC Director of Admissions and Assessment Judy Akers. “$50 gets a […]

todayApril 6, 2024 2

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