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Early voting opportunities still available ahead of Election Day

todayOctober 30, 2024 4

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Election Day is less than one week away, and the Hardin County Clerk’s Office is anticipating a possible record turnout, so if you want to avoid lines on November 5 don’t forget about early voting opportunities. 

Wednesday is the last day for excused in-person absentee voting.

“That’s available to any voter who may be out of town during the early voting and regular election day voting,” said Hardin County Clerk Brian D. Smith. “Also, it’s available for folks who due to age, illness, or disability, they have difficulty standing in line or they have other mobility issues, other issues that may take them longer to fill out a ballot, they’re welcome to come.”

Absentee voting is available at the main clerk’s office at the Hardin County Government Building. 

The county will then open up three days of in-person no excuse absentee voting.

“This is available to everyone, no excuse necessary,” Smith said. “It starts on Halloween, October 31, November 1 and 2, 8 a.m. to 4 30 p.m. We have two convenient locations. One is at the Hardin County Clerk’s main office in Elizabethtown. The other is at Colvin Community Center.”

Smith says the clerk’s office has expanded polling locations and has added voting machines at the busier locations for folks looking to cast their ballot from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Election Day.

“As long as you’re in line by 6 p.m. you’ll be allowed to vote,” Smith said. “We have 15 locations available all across Hardin County. Any voter who’s registered in Hardin County can choose any location that’s convenient for them. I encourage folks to visit or the Hardin County Clerk’s Facebook page to find the location nearest you.”

Contact your county clerk’s office for election assistance.

Written by: WULF News

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Study lays out area public transportation plan

The Radcliff-Elizabethtown Metropolitan Planning Organization last year commissioned a public transportation study, and representatives from the Lincoln Trail Area Development District and consulting firm Michael Baker International on Monday presented the results and recommendations from the study at the State Theater. LTADD Executive Director Daniel London said the study does a good job presenting the current needs and capabilities for public transportation in the area, and lays out a clear path forward with […]

todayOctober 30, 2024 2

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