Matthew Riddle Kenny Chesney - She Thinks My Tractor's Sexy Big fan of Kenny Chesney! Michael Baker Luke Combs - Beautiful Crazy I would like to dedicate our favorite song to Crystal. I love you! Bonnie Reba McEntire - Fancy Thanks for mentioning Reba glad you are a fan I am as well n love the new show


ECTC raising funds for student support during inaugural Giving Day

todayApril 25, 2024 2

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Elizabethtown Community and Technical College is inviting the community to help support its students as the college hosts its inaugural ECTC Giving Day Thursday.

ECTC says donations will support student needs such as scholarships, transportation assistance, and the Student Emergency Fund, among other areas. With this year being the college’s 60th anniversary, one of the event goals is to have at least 60 donors give $60.

One specific way to support ECTC students is by donating to the Gowns for Grads initiative. ECTC Director of Admissions and Assessment Judy Akers said that $50 will provide a student with a cap, gown, and tassel.

“We are trying to make sure that all of our graduates have the opportunity to graduate without worrying about the cost of buying a gown to participate in graduation,” Akers said.

ECTC President and CEO Dr. Juston Pate previously told Quicksie that supporting the college means supporting a large, blended community.

“When you really step back and look at what Elizabethtown Community and Technical College is, it’s really like this perfect melting pot because, you know, roughly half of our students are that traditional student who is there to take a full-time load of classes, and that’s really their job,” Pate said. “When you’re 18 and a freshman in college and your job is to pass your classes. So we’ve got that, but then we’ve also got that mix of folks who have entered into a job or an initial career, and they’re coming back.”

Find more information and a link to the Giving Day page on ECTC’s website or Facebook page.

Written by: WULF News

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Reynolds selected as Irvington Elementary School principal

Irvington Elementary School has a new principal, but it is a familiar face. Breckinridge County Schools announced Wednesday that Jasmyn Reynolds has been named Irvington’s new principal. Reynolds has been serving as Irvington’s interim principal since February, and has been the school’s instructional coach since 2017. When previously discussing the principal search, Breckinridge County Schools Superintendent Dr. Nick Carter said the district was looking for a dedicated leader. “Hard-working, 100 percent […]

todayApril 25, 2024 4

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