Matthew Riddle Kenny Chesney - She Thinks My Tractor's Sexy Big fan of Kenny Chesney! Michael Baker Luke Combs - Beautiful Crazy I would like to dedicate our favorite song to Crystal. I love you! Bonnie Reba McEntire - Fancy Thanks for mentioning Reba glad you are a fan I am as well n love the new show


Elizabethtown City Council reviews medical cannabis zoning ordinance, approves medical contract

todayNovember 5, 2024 2

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The Elizabethtown City Council met for their first meeting of the month Monday.

The first reading was held on an amendment ordinance for the city’s zoning ordinance. Reading from the ordinance, City Attorney Ken Howard said the ordinance adds provisions for medical cannabis.

“Definitions for the various use types, the zoning districts where the various uses will be permitted, special provisions for spacing of uses, and hours of operation and parking standards,” Howard said.

The ordinance was reviewed in two public hearings by the Elizabethtown Planning Commission, which recommended approval of the ordinance.

A municipal order approving an $890,378 bid from Schroeder Construction for the Helm Street, Terry Court, Park Avenue project was approved, as was an $126,760 change order from Dirt Works Unlimited for the Hawkins Drive sewer project.

Elizabethtown Mayor Jeff Gregory broke a tie to approve a contract with Member Medical that provides additional medical services to city employees. Council Member Cindy Walker expressed her concerns with the cost of the services, while Gregory said his financial concerns are offset by the company’s guarantee to pay back the city if they do not save money.

“Ultimately, if it saves the city money and gives us the opportunity to improve health care for employees and give them another solid benefit, then I think it’s absolutely worth a shot,” Gregory said.

The council also approved a 10-year lease agreement with Addington Properties LLC for the city to use 212 West Dixie Avenue for additional office space. That building is the former Kentucky High School Basketball Hall of Fame.

The Elizabethtown City Council will next meet November 12.

Written by: WULF News

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Hardin District Court provides update on solar cases

Hardin District Court Division III provided an update on two cases involving solar energy that are working their way through the court. According to a release from the court, the court last week dismissed a complaint from CPV Stonecrop Solar LLC against the Hardin County Planning and Development Commission. Stonecrop requested a declaratory judgment that their proposed “agrivolatics” operation should receive zoning as an agricultural use, while also arguing their proposed […]

todayNovember 5, 2024 4

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