Matthew Riddle Kenny Chesney - She Thinks My Tractor's Sexy Big fan of Kenny Chesney! Michael Baker Luke Combs - Beautiful Crazy I would like to dedicate our favorite song to Crystal. I love you! Bonnie Reba McEntire - Fancy Thanks for mentioning Reba glad you are a fan I am as well n love the new show


Hardin County Animal Care and Control hosting annual rabies clinic

todayAugust 26, 2024 2

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The Hardin County Animal Shelter is reminding area pet owners to mark their calendars for their largest annual vaccination clinic.

“Our once a year, great big rabies clinic is coming up Saturday, September 28 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. out at the Hardin County Fairgrounds’s main pavilion,” said Hardin County Animal Care and Control Director Mike McNutt. 

McNutt says the annual rabies clinic is the safest and easiest way to get these services for your cat or dog.

“It’s right after the new licenses go,” McNutt said. “It gives you the rest of the year before you have to worry about it again, so it is the main rabies clinic for Hardin County.”

Only cash or check payments will be accepted and animals must be at least 12 weeks old.

“You can get a rabies vaccination for a dog or a cat for $13.78,” McNutt said. “The Distemper Parvo vaccine will be $13.78 for dogs (Feline Distemper vaccines are also $13.78). Strongid, which is the dewormer we use, is $5.30. That just kills roundworms. The Bordetella vaccine will be $16.96. Microchipping will be $21.20, and of course a $15 license.”

Contact the animal shelter for more information.

Written by: WULF News

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Steven Lawson’s new attorneys ask for more time to review case files

Crystal Rogers investigation suspect Steven Lawson’s new attorneys made their first appearance in Nelson Circuit Court during a status hearing Thursday. Darren Wolff and Zach Buckler were appointed to represent Lawson by Nelson County’s Department of Public Advocacy after Lawson fired his previous attorney Ted Lavit. Nelson Circuit Judge Charles Simms III said he wants the trial to begin on its scheduled date in February 2025, noting that three people are […]

todayAugust 26, 2024 3

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