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Quarles touts opportunities during Chamber luncheon

todayAugust 17, 2024 3

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Kentucky Community and Technical College System President Ryan Quarles says KCTCS is focused on making education opportunities available for everybody.

“We’ll take anybody that’s willing to spend their time and invest with us and get a better job on the outset of graduation,” Quarles said. “We’re proud of that, so my vision for KCTCS is very simple. It’s about access for all, affordability, and making sure that we are there for the workforce needs of Kentucky.”

Quarles was one of the featured speakers at the Hardin County Chamber of Commerce’s August luncheon, sharing the stage with Elizabethtown Community and Technical College President and CEO Dr. Juston Pate. Quarles said the system’s 16 colleges have been working on removing the stigma that sometimes is felt with a community college education, noting that a KCTCS degree or certification can offer a more direct career path than some four-year degrees, and financial aid opportunities are expanding.

“We can get you in in two years or less,” Qualres said. “Our CDL programs are five weeks. Ffive weeks and a brand new career. We’re going to get you in quick, and it’s affordable. If you are choosing to study one of the five high demand areas of Kentucky, it’s a free community college experience.”

Quarles said recent initiatives have included reaching a transfer agreement with the University of Kentucky and technology upgrades at campuses. He also said KCTCS is focused on expanding support services for students.

“We have students who are being raised by a generation of grandparents,” Quarles said. “We have students that unfortunately are suffering from mental health issues, broken families, unfortunate backgrounds. We need to make sure that there’s opportunity for all. It doesn’t matter. We’re all in for student success no matter who you are in the Commonwealth of Kentucky.”

The first day of classes for the fall semester at ECTC is August 19.

Written by: WULF News

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