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Radcliff Public Works offering pick-ups for Spring Clean Up

todayMarch 29, 2024 2

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Radcliff residents looking to tidy up can take advantage of the city’s Spring Clean Up Days, which run April 1 through April 30.

Items authorized for pick-up include no more than 10 gallons of paint in its original container, no more than 10 used tires, metal items, household appliances with freon removed by a certified tech, used motor oil, and small household items not normally picked up by waste management collectors.

Items that will not be accepted include propane containers or bottles, spray paint cans, toxic materials, fertilizers, pesticides, insecticides, gasoline, diesel, paint thinners, pipe cleaners, chemical cleaning compounds, construction materials including shingles, commercially developed refuse, and plastic bags.

Radcliff Mayor JJ Duvall said during the last city council meeting that residents should let the city know when they have placed items curbside, and keep items in a separate pile from trash, limbs, and leaves.

“If you do set something out, you can always call our Radcliff Public Works (270-351-8150) to notify them your address and what needs to be picked up,” Duvall said. “Also, limbs is coming up. For a limb pick-up, we ask you to also have those out by April 1.”

Spring clean-up is also a good time to remind residents to take care of their yards.

“It’s one of the biggest complaints, and I think our fire chief will tell you that people aren’t cutting their grass, without weedeating,” Duvall said. “Obviously, we know everybody’s not going to be pristine, but we do ask people to just try to do what’s right. If you can’t get your grass cut and you need help cutting your grass, feel free to call us.”

Contact the Radcliff Public Works Department or visit the Radcliff City Government Facebook page for more information.

Written by: WULF News

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Elizabethtown Public Works launching Spring Clean Up operations April 1

The City of Elizabethtown will assist residents with the disposal of junk and debris during the annual Spring Clean Up days which run from April 1 through 30. Elizabethtown Public Works Director Don Hill says the guidelines for collection can be found on the city’s website. “We ask that you place the items near the street, not in the street, and within 10 feet of the back of the curb […]

todayMarch 29, 2024 4

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