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EHMS Beta Club brings home two national championships

The East Hardin Middle School Beta Club is returning from the National Beta Conference in Savannah, Georgia, with some hardware.

The Beta Club raked in 15 total awards recognizing placement in the top 10 in several competitions, and Beta Club sponsor and East Hardin art teacher Molly Hazle said one of the crowning achievements capped an effort the students put into the entire school year.

“Our biggest thing we do, where we have about 90 kids participating, is our very big Large Group Talent performing arts, and that’s supposed to showcase any kind of talent for singing, dancing, or speaking,” Hazle said. “We put on a show about BETA through the ages, and we just got national champions for that.”

The club also won the national championship for the solo/duo/trio competition.

Hazle said she is very proud of a well-deserving group of students.

“The last two years, Group Talent is what we pour our heart into the most, and we were national runner up two years in a row, so this is really rewarding for all of us,” Hazle said. “It was a long time coming. We really wanted that national title.”

The Beta Club asks students to strive for achievement in and out of the classroom.

“It is a service organization, but you also have to make certain grades to stay in,” Hazle said. “We ask our students to maintain all As and Bs throughout the year. They have to do 24 hours of service in their community throughout the year, and the four pillars are “achievement, character, leadership, and service,” so it is for students that embody all four of those pillars.”

Hazle said the club will take all students that are willing to put in the effort, and if interested in joining they can reach out once the new school year begins.

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