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Food insecurity up more than 35,000 people in Feeding America, Kentucky’s Heartland service area

Feeding America says the latest data from their Map the Meal Gap study shows that more than 176,000 people in Feeding America, Kentucky’s Heartland’s 42-county service area are struggling with food insecurity, an increase of more than 35,000 people from last year.

“In Hardin County alone, we have over 15,000 individuals, including children, that are food insecure,” said FAKH Marketing and Communications Manager Kaitlyn Jackson. “For the number of individuals, Hardin County ranks among the top five in the state of Kentucky for food insecure individuals, both as overall numbers but also for kids specifically.”

The USDA defines food insecurity as “the lack of consistent access to enough food for an active, healthy life.” Food insecurity is a struggle that is not always visible, and Jackson says 30 percent of food insecure individuals in Hardin County make more money than is permitted for SNAP or other government assistance.

“They’re working,” Jackson said. “They’re trying to better their families, and yet there is a problem putting food on the table, whether that’s having to choose to pay for utilities, having to choose to pay for transportation, the roof over your head, all of these other issues that then leave food the last thing you put your paycheck towards. It is an ongoing issue.”

The impact of food insecurity goes beyond hunger.

“It is a barrier to living an active and healthy life for so many people, and it can be related to a lot of critical public health issues such as depression, high blood pressure, and cardiac issues,” Jackson said. “As individuals, especially children, grow up in food insecure environments, they can deal with a lot of consequences from those environments as they get older.”

Feeding America, Kentucky’s Heartland and their partner organizations continue to focus on addressing issues with food insecurity despite reduced funding and resources. Visit their website to learn more about volunteer and donation opportunities, and visit Feeding America’s website for more information on the Map the Meal Gap study.

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