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Kentucky launches ‘Second Chance’ website

Kentucky has launched a new website designed to connect people reentering society with resources. links Kentuckians overcoming addiction or leaving jail or prison to resources that can help them continue their education, find a job, and support their continued recovery.

Governor Andy Beshear discussed the website during his Team Kentucky update Thursday. The governor said streamlining the process is the ultimate goal of the website.

“This is an attempt to bring all of those things in one place for folks who are looking to rebuild their lives and don’t know what all the possibilities are out there, and how they can all work together,” Beshear said. “It’s an attempt to take any bureaucracy from government or our partners and remove it to make it as easy as possible for people to see that there is help and that we want to get you on the right track.”

The website includes four areas of information: finding a job, getting an education, benefits for businesses, and recovery resources. Each section provides links and information on topics such as resume help and job searches, free GED testing and internships, resources to help businesses hire and retain second chance employees, and information on drug and mental health treatment resources.

The launch of the website coincides with Second Chance Month. Governor Beshear says supporting second chances is simply the right thing to do.

“Helping people get back on their feet is a win-win,” Beshear said. “It helps our families, it helps our communities, and it helps fill open jobs in our workforce. A second chance can rebuild a life and it reduces the chances of someone returning to prison.”

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